Software engineering, Fitness, and Art 🌊

Just want to share my learnings and progress with you :)

Will publish my tech blogs, book notes, reflections, and learnings here; share my art work, crafts, and workout videos; and maybe good cafe and restaurant recs as well.

Things I Love Doing

Here are just some of my favourite things to do. Also really into good food 👩🏻‍🍳

  • Build things that matter
  • Read books and stuff
  • Fitness and running
  • Drawing and crafting
  • Find and enjoy good coffee
  • Deep conversations

Recent Work

My most recent tech and life blog posts, art works and workout videos.

Microservice & Kubernetes Deep Dive

Build and deploy a microservice


A sketch of the sculpture created by Victor Ochoa installed in Puerto Rico in 1992

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn